Staff & Board

Barbara Lynne Jamison
General Director + CEO

Amanda Hyberger
director of operations

Christopher Mirto

Taylor Burkhardt
Head of music

Lisa Hasson
studio artist director &
Chorus master

Charles Heightchew
Associate Costume Shop Manager

Floren Kyteler
Patron operations manager

Josette Miles
costume shop manager

Laura Pitkin
donor relations manager

Colleen Spanyer
Events & company Manager

Kate Winegarden
Production Manager & TD
Board of Trustees
Danail N. Kelisakiev
Rolandas T. Byrd
Vice Chair
Eric D. Scott
Matthew Williams
Anne-Marie Blancquaert, DVM
Reneé Campbell, Ed.D.
Charles Cash
John J. Davis III
Tracy E. Davis
J. Todd Flowers
Matthew E. Hamel
Thomas James III, M.D.
Kylee Marcy
Thomas P. O’Brien III
Von Purdy