The Pirates of Penzance
Join a merry band of pirates & a very modern Major-General for a swashbuckling good time!
Yo ho ho! What’s yer pirate name? Discover it below or download and share the pirate name flyer with all your mateys, whether they be scallywags or seadogs.
You’ll find digital assets to use in social media and send to others, along with dates, contact, and pricing information.
We encourage you to share with schools, music and theatre groups, and friends and family.
Parody the Patter of the Major-General Verse Contest
Submit a four-line verse for a chance to hear your libretto sung by a cast member.
The four lines of libretto are up to you to craft!
- You may choose to alter the aria with content personal to you, relative to Louisville, or any witty patter that brings you joy.
- You can use “I am the very model of a modern Major-General” as the first or last line, but you don’t have to!
I am the very model of a Modern Major-General,
I’ve information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical,
From Marathon to Waterloo in order categorical
- There are four-line verses that don’t mention the modern major-general. For example:
I’m very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical
I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical
About binomial theorem I am teeming with a lot o’ news
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse
- We recommend you sing the refrain to get the cadence in your head as you’re composing.
Message us on Instagram or Facebook, or with your submission by February 11. The winning witty patter will be selected and premiere on social media before the February 16 opening night of The Pirates of Penzance.
What’s Your Pirate Name?
First Letter of Your First Name
A Jolly
B Pegleg
C Mad
D Squidlips
E Scallywag
F Smelly
G Beardy
H Codswallop
I Stinky
J Buccaneer
K Rapscallion
L Ol’
M Captain
N Skipper
O Bossy
P Rusty
Q Shivvers
R Patchy
S Silly
T Grizzly
U Peg Leg
V Two Toes
W Dirty
X Mad
Y Bloody
Z Red
Last Letter of Your Last Name
A Creeper
B Jim
C Storm
D John
E Bones
F George
G Bob
H Rat
I Jack
J Bucko
K Numbskull
L Timbers
M Spike
N Wobbly Legs
O Cackle
P Seaweed
Q Silver
R Yellow Belly
S Ed
T Patch
U Fluffbucket
V Seasnake
W Fishface
X Morgan
Y Plankwalk
Z Stripy
Month You Were Born
January McSpittoon
February O’Fish
March From the West
April Sparrow
May Of the Coast
June Jones
July Bart
August McScurvey
September Patches
October Long Beard
November Grumpy Snout
December Hook